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Our Next Meeting:

We are a very small foundation with limited funds and we only consider applications at two meetings each year. The next meeting at which you could be considered is the June/July one. 


Email me here to request the latest guidelines on how to apply; even if you have had them before as they have been revised.  The actual date will not be confirmed until nearer the time but expect that the deadline for applications will be mid-May 2025.

The PO Box, and the Amyand Park Rd address are no longer valid. Use: 60 Colegrave Road, London E15 1ED BUT please do not send applications without having emailed me for the latest guidelines.

Things to Note:

Our remit is to support underprivileged and disadvantaged children and young people.

We only allocate funds at two meetings each year: roughly January and June/July.

We are a very small Foundation and we are likely to fund between £1-£3k.


Please be aware that the Foundation cannot help individuals, or emerging artists in training.

We do not have an office or permanent staff; I work as needed amongst my other clients and it is always best to contact me by email rather than phone.

All other information on how to apply will be in our very detailed guidelines; see above for when to request.

The Foundation is a small charity that John Thaw set up before he died. Here's Dame Sheila Hancock on the invaluable work the Foundation achieves 23 years on.


"The John Thaw Foundation is a small charity that I have the honour of continuing for him with a dedicated Board of Trustees. 


It is able to offer support to disadvantaged and underprivileged young people by funding carefully selected projects, run by a wide range of established organisations, as well as smaller grass roots groups, across the UK. These projects all help young people to fulfil their potential and broaden their horizons and aspirations, despite the many challenges they face.  


A supported project may be aimed at young people who need help to get their life back on track; for instance, young offenders, or those at risk of offending, or excluded from school, increasingly an issue now even for primary school pupils.  It might help young carers, or those who leave care at 18, only to find themselves entirely unsupported. Sometimes it is work in the field of conflict resolution; whether it is related to gang culture or bullying.  We might offer opportunities to children who will otherwise miss out on cultural enrichment, whether it be through lack of music provision in schools that cannot afford it, or for a trip or event that the school’s parent base simply couldn’t afford.


All these projects are aimed at developing young people’s sense of collaboration, creative thinking, and commitment; and will increase their confidence, skillset and social engagement.


The Foundation tries to give to smaller projects, where we can see the money will make a real difference. We are vigilant in our monitoring of outcomes, and wherever possible we ensure that we, or one of our committed volunteers, attend a performance, or presentation, or work in practise, so we can monitor the efficacy of the project in person. 


If you would like more information on the range of projects we support, or to find out how you might offer support too, please email the administrator Every donation makes a difference and is hugely appreciated by me, the devoted Trustees, and above all, by those we are able to help."


Dame Sheila Hancock

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